Say Hey To Kevin!

Meet the Canadian sweetie who you'll be seeing on the silver screen for a long time to come!

Adorable film star Kevin Zegers has been acting since the tender age of 6! His credits include such films as Life with Mickey with Michael J. Fox, In The Mouth of Madness, Bram Stoker's The Shadowbuilder and last year's hit comedy, Air Bud. Well, Buddy, the sports playing golden retriever, and Kevin are back with this month in all-new film, Air Bud: Golden Receiver. With his gorgeous looks and obvious talent, Kevin is sure to stay on Hollywood hot list for a long time to come!

Tiger Beat recently had the opprtunity to chat with Kevin on the phone from his home in Ontario, Canada. Read on for our Q&A!

Tiger Beat: Hi Kevin, tell us a little about your role in Air Bud: Golden Reciever.
Well, it's pretty much the same kind of theme as the first one except this time around, it deals with footcall and my character is a bit older.
TB: How has he changes since the first movie?
In the first movie i think 'Josh Framm' my character, was about 10 or 11, and this one he's 13 or 14.
TB: how do you like working with animals-they say it's one of the hardest things to do in the world of acting.
Actually, I don't know who said that, because I find it a lot easier, but that's just me, I guess. I didn't have any problems with the dogs.
TB: This is a different dog playing Buddy this time around, right?
Yes. There were six dogs playing the part.
TB: Wow! Do you like animals?
I love animals, especially dogs1 I used to have a dog, but I don't anymore. I'll probably get one when I'm older and move out on my own.
TB: Do you have love interest in Golden Receiver?
No, but I asked and they said no. I did actually meet my own love interest when I was up there. I met her off set.
TB: Cool! Does she live near you?
No, she's in Vancouver!
TB: Wow, all the way across the country.
Yeah, we always write each other or talk on the phone. I think I'm going to invite her up to visit this summer.
TB: You've often played athletes. Are you athletic, too?
I love all sports, I guess you could say I'm athletic.
TB: Do you have any other movies coming up?
Yes, there's a couple more. there's a movie called Treasure Island that is based on the book. We shot that on Isle on Man, in England.
TB: What was that like?
It was very different, like going back from where we are right now 200 years ago. The filming was a lot of fun.
TB: Did they teach you how to sword fight?
Yeah! We had a really good stunt guy who went over all the moves and everything. It was a lot of fun.
TB: How did you first get started in acting?
I got started with commercials and I guess it just went from there.
TB: were you one of those kids who begged your parents until they finally let you audtion?
TB: Do you have any other family members in the business?
No, I ave two sisters, one is older and one is younger, and they're into figure skating.
TB: What are some of your favourite movies?
Titanic, obviously! i really liked Good Will Hunting and The Basketball Diaries.
TB: We've got a lot of aspiring actors who read Tiger Beat. Can you give us any advice on how to get into acting?
I guess you need to be able to deal with a lot of disappointment of going on, say 20 auditions and not getting one thing. You also have to have really good parents. Like in my case, they drove me two hours each day, six days a week for auditions. That's how it was thre or four years ago. I could never have done this without them.
TB: Thanks, Kevin!
Sure, bye!

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